
Are You Ready For Changes In The California IHA AMP Program?

The California Value Based Pay for Performance (VBP4P) program is the largest alternative payment model in the United States. It predates healthcare reform by almost a decade. The program was launched in 2001 as a statewide initiative managed by the Integrated Healthcare Association (IHA) on behalf of 10 health plans. The VBP4P has been deploying quality measure sets and reporting results and the program is the longest running example of the power of the transition to value-based care.

Are You Ready For Changes In The California IHA AMP Program?

The California Value Based Pay for Performance (VBP4P) program is the largest alternative payment model in the United States. It predates healthcare reform by almost a decade. The program was launched in 2001 as a statewide initiative managed by the Integrated Healthcare Association (IHA) on behalf of 10 health plans. The VBP4P has been deploying quality measure sets and reporting results and the program is the longest running example of the power of the transition to value-based care.